Thursday, July 26, 2012


I want to share some AMAZING news!!!  

My doctor took me OFF of my blood pressure medicine!! Yes I said OFF!!  A tid-bit of history.  Ever since I was a teenager my blood pressure was high.  I was underweight, no family history, I exercised, so doctors just put it off as a the white coat syndrome.   During my first two pregnancies my blood pressure was normal until my 3rd trimester.  Then it shot up and diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.  with baby #3, doctor put me on medication that helped control my BP.   Then about 3-4 years ago Dr. Oz was talking about having high blood pressure and it can cause a stroke at a young age.   That scared the crap out of me, so I decided to take control.  With lots of testing, turns out there was absolutely NO reason for me to have high blood pressure.  I was not overweight, and no apparent family history of blood pressure issues.  My cardiologist put it off as genetic, and that is just the way I am.  I will need to be on medication the rest of my life.  I was not even 30 yet.

Since January of this year I have come to know and LOVE beach body!  I have followed 2 of their programs (so far) in their entirety, and working on the third one now.  I have been drinking Shakeology daily, and also eating clean.  The nutrition guides that come with the workout programs are AWESOME!  They really help to keep things fresh and easy!  Not to mention really tasty!

Right now!! until the end of July 2012 Beach Body has an amazing offer you just cant pass up!  

 If you order a challenge pack through me..  and have a facebook account, I will put you into my 90 day challenge group starting in August!   This will be a small, private, accountability group.  Everyone will be striving for the same goals... a healthier YOU!  We will help to encourage, support, and motivate each other.  It will be an experience of a lifetime!    Leave a comment below or contact me on facebook if you want more information!
I can not wait to see what BeachBody can do for YOU!  
And to help you in your journey! 

yours truly,
Coach Julie Warner

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Do green tea and probiotics help fight off belly fat?

I read yesterday on that green tea and probiotics can help with warding off belly fat.  Yes!  Well my belly is my problem area, been eating right and working out now for 6 months.  I know it takes time, but I feel as though I have come to a stand still with that stubborn belly of mine.  The green tea helps to remove toxins in your body and to metabolize fat faster.  The probiotics are a "healthy bacteria" that also help to metabolize fat.  Both cant hurt to give it a try... RIGHT???  So starting today,  I swapped out some of my morning coffee for a few cups of green tea.  Also took a probiotic supplement with breakfast.  I plan to keep this up for a while and hope for results.   Measured my belly today right around the belly button.  My problem area is just below that, but using my belly button as a measuring guide will help keep my results accurate.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


It has been a great week for me so far fitness wise.  My next BeachBody program came yesterday!  I am so excited!  I ordered Les Mills Pump, it comes with barbell and weights.  The box was 42.5 lbs, yes I weighed it.  Now to hold off to start it until I am done with Chalean Extreme.  I will be starting Les Mills Pump July 2 for the 90 Beach Body Challenge!!  I am hosting a small accountability group for those who what to get fit and healthy, and see results in less than 90 days!  I do have a few spots left so let me know if you are interested.  You can find me on facebook, (Julie Hadder Warner) message me and I will get you more info.

Also I went to the doctor on Tuesday for a check up.  I have officially lost 29 lbs according to my medical charts.  I no longer need my reflux medication.  The horrible spasms that I used to get in my shoulder are almost gone.  And saving the best for last, my blood pressure was 120/70!!!  That is the LOWEST I have EVER seen it!  About 15 points lower than my normal with my blood pressure medication.   I still need to stay on my meds for now, because my BP is perfect, but if goes down anymore, then there is a chance I  may be able to reduce my dosage of get off all together.

I owe it all (well majority of it) to BeachBody and their amazing products, coaches, and support!  All I had to do was to push play, and eat right!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Favorite Snack

Apple, greek yogurt, and cinnamon

This has got to me one of my favorite snacks!  I love pink lady apples best, but enjoy with your favorite type of apple.  I like 0% Chobani Greek yogurt plain fat free.   Greek yogurt is and excellent source of protein, in comparison to regular yogurt.   Cinnamon is an amazing spice that tastes great!  Eaten on a regular basis, it can lower blood sugar and help regulate insulin levels.  When you have spikes in blood sugar will cause you to gain weight.  Cinnamon also creates a chemical reaction.  When cinnamon is consumed, your body actually reacts chemically to digest the cinnamon. This reaction actually speeds up the metabolism in order to offset the extra heat that is occurring as a result of the cinnamon. When the metabolism speeds up, you are burning more calories and you will lose weight more quickly.  In short, sprinkle cinnamon on lots of things, coffee, tea, and fruits, or enjoy this amazing spice however you desire.

Monday, May 21, 2012

the start of it all

First post, guess an introduction is in order.  My name, as if it isn't in the title of the blog, is Julie Warner.  I am 33 years old.  I have 4 children ages 4-14.  Been married for going on 14 years.   I used to be that skinny girl that everyone hated.  That girl could stuff her face with anything and everything and still not gain a pound.  Was I healthy?  probably not.  I was very active in dace up through age 19.   As I got older and had children my metabolism slowed down, I gained weight, and lost muscle.  The past couple of years I "tried" to get in shape by eating better and working out with little success.  I did not have the proper tools, motivation, or support to get it done.  In January of 2012 I decided it was going to be MY year!  No matter what I was finally determined to get my body back!  I saw and infomercial for Brazilian Butt Lift, and I just was in awe, thinking I can do that!  I have NEVER bought anything from an infomercial before, and I am so glad I took that change.  It was the best purchase I have ever made.

I stuck with the program for 8 weeks and had astounding results!  I followed the food guide and pushed play no matter what!  and look what happened!

I have since completed two months of ChaLean Extreme, and become a coach for Beach Body.  
My goals for this blog are share my success, as well as to help others with reaching their, health, fitness, and weight goals.  I plan to share my success stories, struggles, recipes, and things i have learned along the way.